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“Defann kòz moun ki fèb ak moun ki san papa yo; kenbe dwa pòv yo ak moun ki maltrete yo.” Sòm 82:3


Kay nou nan sid peyi Zend bay timoun òfelen, pòv, ak abandone ki resevwa abri, manje, tretman medikal, ak opòtinite edikasyon.

Li se  vrèman yon kote yo nouri, renmen, ak cheri.


Thousands of children lose their lives daily, not only because of poverty, sickness, and poor living conditions, but because of female infanticides, a cultural practice in which thousands of small baby girls either die before being born or lose their lives just because of their gender. Sadly, every minute that passes, there are an estimated 9 abortions of female fetuses that take place in India.

A baby girl is often looked at as a ‘burden’ because women, who lack education, still often don’t contribute to the income of the household. Apart from that, the practice of dowry, which is still prevalent in the Indian society, means the more girl children that a household has, the more money the family needs for dowry, a tradition requiring the parents of the bride to give large amounts of money and valuable goods to the groom and his family. Many think the Dowry system in India often makes daughters an ‘unaffordable economic burden’ and a drain on family resources.

How Can I Help?

There are many ways you can help, including praying specifically for the Children of India, Mercy International, and our Team. If you feel led, you can donate to our India Ministry, or you can be a part of a future Mission Trip.


Our long-term vision is to organize and lead mission trips to work at our Arise Child Care Center, Children's Home,  or with our Village Outreach Program.  We will need volunteers to minister to our precious children, help with building projects, organize supplies, and help with maintenance on the properties. But most importantly, we need volunteers who want to serve the children the families in the villages,  and build relationships with the staff. 


If you are interested in a future mission trip or would like to be added to our mailing list, please Contact Us to express your interest in becoming a part of our team that wants to make a difference.

Learn More About Our India Ministry

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