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Mercy International is a 501(c)3 Christian non-profit founded by Dr. John Leininger. After visiting Haiti for the first time in 1974 and witnessing the spiritual and physical needs that existed there, Dr. John felt led to get involved. He eventually started a small ministry and took medical mission teams to remote areas and aided those who would never receive care otherwise. Since then, he has returned to Haiti over 100 times and has served the people there in various ways for over 40 years.


Over time, Mercy International expanded its ministry and God has blessed its continued efforts in Haiti in such incredible ways. The main focus has always been to rebuild the impoverished nation of Haiti and spread the Gospel to its inhabitants. This is done through education, medical care, church support, housing projects, and feeding families.


After the devastating earthquake in 2010, Dr. John witnessed the desperate need for a safe place for those suffering hopelessly in the tent cities of Port au Prince. In response to this need and with generous donations, Mercy International was able to build a small village nestled in the hills of Gressier, Haiti. This village is called Merci de Dieu (“Thanks to God”) and is home to 63 families whom had faced deplorable conditions in the tent cities. Now they have a house to call home, a  church to worship, a clinic to go to when sick, and food and education when sponsored.

Dr. John Leininger

The village is overseen by the village pastor as well as an indigenous village committee.


By the grace of God, Mercy International has now finished a second village after Hurricane Matthew destroyed it with 145 mph winds in 2016. It is called Deye Mon which means “beyond the mountain” and houses those who were left without a house after the earthquake. They include: widows, orphans and the very poor.


Thriving Christ-centered communities throughout Haiti.


We desire to see the poorest of the poor in Haiti, transformed through the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, thriving in vibrant Christian communities.


  • One God, existing and manifesting Himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • The verbal inspiration of the Word of God and its consequent absolute authority.

  • The pre-existence of the Lord Jesus Christ as God the Son.

  • The virgin birth of Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man.

  • The personality of the Holy Spirit, Who is the seal and witness of salvation, taking up residence within the believer.

  • The divine creation of man and the universe. 

  • The fall of man, his moral depravity, and his need of regeneration.

  • The atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ as the only ground for justifying sinners.

  • Salvation comes through grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • The eternal punishment of all who reject the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • The resurrection of the body, both of the just (who ascend to Heaven) and the unjust (who descend to Hell).

  • That our Lord Jesus Christ will personally return and set up His kingdom, the new heavens and the new earth, wherein He will reign righteously forever.

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