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Gospel Truth.
Sustainable Help.

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

What is power exactly? Is it wealth or education? When you think of power, what comes to your mind? Throughout history, power has always been something everyone is fighting for. Some want power and some want to stay away from it. For example, David and Saul: Saul was winning at everything in life, and things got even better for him when he became the first king of Israel. Before he came to power, Saul was humble, nice and respected the Lord. Then Saul changed after he got a taste of real power. Then came David. Again, humble, a shepherd, who adored the Lord and served Saul faithfully. We all thought David was going to learn from Saul’s mistakes, but power consumed him. There’s just something about being the strongest and the fastest at anything. At times people who feel that way think they own the whole world and should be able to do whatever they please with it. So, what does power look like in a third world country? Does it even exist?

We were supposed to be hosting a team in Haiti on July 7th, but it was canceled due to riots. I was in Haiti three days prior to the team’s arrival, to get things ready, and I was very excited about the team. It was a big one! Next thing I heard was that American Airline had canceled their flights to Haiti. I was shocked, because I did not know it was that serious. I usually don’t like to listen to the news on the radio, but I had to find out what was going on. I heard from the radio that the government had raised the gas prices by 38%. That means a liter of diesel would now cost $4, and a liter of regular gas would cost nearly $5.The reason for the price increase was because the government had agreed to reduce subsidies for fuel in February, as part of an assistance package with the International Monetary Fund. They did it to divert funds to social services and to improve tax collection, in an effort to modernize the economy. Well, most of the government officials did not like the idea, and they told the president not to increase the gas prices. From what I’ve heard from other Haitians, the president said, “I am the president of Haiti, and the people elected me, so I can increase the gas if I want to.” The thing is, that was the president’s second strike. You need to know that they don’t play baseball in Haiti, so there’s no such thing as a third strike. They get you when they feel like the time is right. The president’s first strike was when he destroyed a bunch of houses that were built next to his new home in Pelerin. Pelerin is outside of Petion-ville and it is a nice area. So whenever someone gets a little bit of money, they are most likely to move there. Anyway, he was not happy that the people were building next to him, so he destroyed their homes. The people were not happy, but when the gas prices increased, and they heard what he said, they went crazy! Fun fact for you: Brazil lost that day in the World Cup, and about 70% of Haitians are big fans of Brazil. Footból (soccer) is like a religion in Haiti. So you do the math. Destroy houses, plus Brazil being eliminated, and gas increase on the same day. That equals CHAOS, my friends!!

The president of Haiti uses his power one way, but are the people going to be different? Well, they were different. Pastor Etienne and I were out getting groceries for the upcoming team, and we just got back into the village when we heard what was going on in the country. The moment the gas increased, the people took to the streets. They blocked all the major roads in the country.

Pastor Etienne grabbed his radio and started listening to the news. We were shocked to hear what was going on in the country. I mean, we were just out there in town about an hour ago. But now, we couldn’t even get into the closest streets next the village. I was very calm because I thought things would be fine the next day. Come to find out, it was about to get worse. So, we all stayed in the village for two days, and no one went anywhere.

Things started to change for me because I was getting nervous. We had a missionary in Haiti for a month, to build our second team house in Dèyè Món. Now, we had to find a way to get him and me out of the country. Pastor Etienne, his sister-in-law and I got into the car from Gressier to go get Cliff, the missionary. We left on Monday, the 9th of July. It was on the road to the mountain village that I experienced what power the people have. We drove for about 45 minutes, and everything was okay. Then, all of a sudden, we were in the middle of chaos! We got stopped by a group of guys who had blocked the street with trees, rocks, and other cars they had parked horizontally in the street. They asked us for money; otherwise, they would not let us pass through. So, we gave them some money and they let us through. We did not even get half a mile away from them, when another crew stopped us. We also gave them money to let us pass. Then we drove for another 20 minutes and got stopped again!

So we passed that obstacle. Then we had a flat tire. I know what you’re thinking: perfect timing to get a flat tire! We stopped to change the tire ourselves. While changing the tire, I kept seeing a bunch of motorcycle guys around. They kept on riding back and forth. Little did we know, they had been watching us. We put the tire on and got stopped again, not even one fourth of a mile from where we had stopped to fix the tire. Oh boy, I was getting so stinking frustrated! I said a few things that were not very nice, and my face showed it all.

I could not help but think of how powerless we were on the street. I am not that smart, but I probably have more education than 30 of those guys combined. But that was useless. Pastor Etienne is a very wise and well- educated man, but there was nothing he could do either. His sister-in-law works at a hospital, and she has a lot of connections in Haiti, but none of that could help us. Education and contacts were powerless. The only thing that seemed to work was money. So, does that mean money is power? Well yes… and no! Money got us through some places, but we were about to run out of money. What would have happen if the money had ran out? Even with the money, we were not in control! Someone from the street was still telling us what to do. I laughed at times, when I saw who was giving us orders. Sometimes they were kids younger than me! You know what? I felt what they were going through. I felt their pain and sorrows, even though we were the ones they were wronging. Imagine this: You have never been in charge of anything in your life. All you can do is watch what people do and listen to what they tell you to do. You have seen them living abundantly while you have nothing. But then imagine that one day, you get to control all these people? I am not agreeing with what they were doing in the streets. But I get the feeling it was finally their day to have a say. I can’t judge them anymore. We all go crazy when we get to be in charge, at some point in our lives. The most amazing thing is, God is always there to remind us Who is in charge. It’s not us!

(Kenlley Leyendeckers is a Haitian native, who was adopted by American parents at the age of thirteen. As a young boy, living in an orphanage there, he had met missionaries who inspired a growing vision within him. He knew he wanted to help bring hope to the children around him. The 2010 Earthquake precipitated his father’s going to Haiti to escort him to America. He quickly adapted to the American language and culture, graduating from high school and attending college. He is now the associate director of Mercy International.)

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Updated: Oct 26, 2022

About six months ago, a friend of mine, Rachel, who had just returned from our village in Haiti was talking about a lady who was going through a tough time. Rachel was asking people to donate, so she could send some money to the lady. To be honest, I had no idea what was going on. The next week, Rachel mentioned the same lady and asked us to pray for her. Still, I was not fully aware of the situation. I thought it had something to do with her family, so I did not want to ask questions. Trust me, I am not a careless person. I just don’t like to get involved in others private affairs. Anyway, after a week had passed since she asked prayer for the lady, Rachel came back and said, “The lady has decided to keep her baby!” Everyone was excited! And now, I knew what was going on.

I found out that the lady’s name is Olga, and she had in a very difficult decision, whether or not to abort her child. Please carefully read what I am about to write: We, at Mercy International, are strongly against abortion. But I think even when we are against abortion, it is very important for us to do what it says in James 1:19 “Know this, my beloved brothers: Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger”. I say that because so many times we have no idea what is going on.

We all make mistakes in life. We are all human. Ever since the fall of Man, mistakes are part of what makes us human. I don’t know Olga’s full story. I don’t know it and I am not trying to judge her. What we do know is, she was going to abort the baby. For her, aborting the baby was what she thought she had to do to save her own life.

Throughout this difficult time for Olga, it was a blessing that God allowed us to help. The timing in which Rachel heard Olga’s story was perfect. We sent the money that she needed to save her life and her newborn. God uses us in marvelous ways!

(Kenlley Leyendeckers is a Haitian native, who was adopted by American parents at the age of thirteen. As a young boy, living in an orphanage there, he had met missionaries who inspired a growing vision within him. He knew he wanted to help bring hope to the children around him. The 2010 Earthquake precipitated his father’s going to Haiti to escort him to America. He quickly adapted to the American language and culture, graduating from high school and attending college. He is now the associate director of Mercy International.)

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Updated: Oct 26, 2022

For most people, success is determined by the lives they’ve lived; however, for some it is the qualities they possess and how they use those gifts. You are about to hear a story about one individual who has had nothing his whole life, but brings so much joy and happiness to those around him.

John Fortune came into the orphanage around the age of three. He has never met his parents, and no one has ever visited him since he got there. So, he doesn’t know anything about his family. It is sad to admit that they might even think he’s dead. He was very malnourished when he arrived and couldn’t even stand! One person told me, “I have never seen someone in this shape; I don’t know how he is still living!” From the stories I’ve heard from the nannies at the orphanage, he was on a different food plan than anyone else and they feared he might die. Most people think his lack of nutrients and other necessities caused John to be mentally challenged. He cannot read and can’t care for himself. The result is that he usually gets picked on.

Luckily, John always has other people to look out for him. From the time he arrived, until he left the orphanage, God has always put a “guardian angel” next to him. It was an honor for me to be one of those. When things became difficult at the orphanage, I started taking care of him. There were so many times when I had to give him a shower, brush his teeth, and dress him. John has always been a little brother to me, and he will always be. I used to get into arguments, because kids were picking on him. It was a privilege to go through life with him.

I left Haiti right after the earthquake, and I was very concerned about John. I was curious as to who was taking care of and looking out for him. But God always had that covered. John is a beautiful soul! He is that type of friend who makes you appreciate life – I mean, really admire life and live like you were born to be. He is always happy, always kind to others, always ready to help when asked, and anything will make him laugh! One of my favorite things is watching him pray. Seeing him, raising his hands to seek God, is something magical. He knows Who created him, and he loves the Lord. When sitting next to him, all you see is contentment. In fact, I heard someone say, “There are many times that I wish my life was like John Fortune. He loves people, loves to help, and is always happy. It seems life could never be difficult for him.” That is the peace only the Lord can provide!

Throughout the struggles John goes through in his life, he never changes. He is the same guy I left in Haiti, seven years ago. And to me, there’s only one explanation for John’s peace: God’s love. As it says in Philippians 4:19, “You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, His generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus.”  So John is doing exactly what he is supposed to do, and that’s just living life to the fullest. No matter what happens, he simply lives his life. When he gets picked on, he usually ignores it. When he cannot find food to eat, he does without. I don’t know. Maybe John has found a secret to inner peace we don’t know about. How could someone be this happy, no matter what life throws at him?

Since he recently left the orphanage, he has spent most of his days and had many of his meals with us. Every time we saw him, the smile was always there. By the time one of us would get to him, the laugh would come out. How I love this guy!  Through John, God continues to display His glory as He keeps his promises. God never fails John, and He never fails us. Jesus said, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” – John 14:27 For me, John is living proof of that promise. No matter who you are or what you have, these promises are for you. You just have to be willing to accept who you are, as God created you, and let His glory shine through you.

(Kenlley Leyendeckers is a Haitian native, who was adopted by American parents at the age of thirteen. As a young boy, living in an orphanage there, he had met missionaries who inspired a growing vision within him. He knew he wanted to help bring hope to the children around him. The 2010 Earthquake precipitated his father’s going to Haiti to escort him to America. He quickly adapted to the American language and culture, graduating from high school and attending college. He is now the associate director of Mercy International.)

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