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  • 40% of Haitians do not have access to clean water

  • 1.5 million people were displaced after the 2010 earthquake

  • There have been over 750K cases of Cholera since 2010 due to lack of adequate sanitation and clean water

  • The elderly are some of the most vulnerable people in Haitian society and are often abandoned and die alone




Overcrowding in the city and bleak conditions in rural areas have left millions in Haiti suffering in poverty. Only 10% of the rural population have access to electricity, less than 8% have access to drinking water and only 24% of Haiti’s total population have access to a toilet. And in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, these issues were only magnified as it left over 1.5 million people homeless and forced to live in tent cities. Under these deplorable conditions the area became a breeding ground for cholera and other diseases. Given all of this, rarely do parents have enough money to even feed and house themselves plus their children, leaving the elderly most likely to be neglected and homeless.



Mercy International’s mission is to facilitate the growth of Christian communities within Haiti. By the grace of God and through the support of generous donors, this mission has begun in the Village of Merci de Dieu. It consists of 63 homes, housing families who moved from the tent cities. Now, these families have access to clean water, working toilets, a clinic, and a growing village church! After the success of Merci de Dieu, Mercy International is building a second village in a mountainous area called, Deye Mon. The focus of this village is to house widows and the elderly, whom have been cast aside and desperately need a place to stay. By providing them with a home, they are able to provide shelter in exchange for food, security, and assistance from family members and others.



  • The cost is $6,800 to build a simple cinder block house for the elderly in Deye Mon. Mercy International employs Haitian men and women to build and paint the houses, which benefits those in desperate need of work and puts money back into the Haitian economy.

  • If desired, donors and their guests may visit Haiti with a team leader from Mercy International and dedicate the house to the family. This is such an unforgettable moment as you bless a family with a life changing gift!

  • If you feel led to sponsor the building of a home, please Contact Us today.

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