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"How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!" Psalm 133:1


Mercy International’s desire is to see the poorest of the poor transformed through the life-changing message of Jesus Christ and thriving in vibrant Christian communities. However, without the power of the Holy Spirit, the leadership of local pastors, and the accountability and support of a body of believers, any efforts to improve the physical and emotional well-being of the Haitian’s we serve will yield only temporary results. The key to lasting progress and results with eternal significance is a healthy local church and the spread of the Gospel!


Jesus commands in Matthew 28:19 to go and make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them God’s Word. Mercy International employs indigenous pastors in both Merci de Dieu and Deye Mon and supports them in their “Great Commission” efforts. The pastors play a pivotal role in shepherding their communities, providing leadership in both spiritual and day to day concerns. They’re just as likely to be resolving disputes between neighbors or helping to source medical care as they are to preach a sermon or help a believer who is wrestling with a tough question. The church offers a safe place for young people to gather and worship, for women to fellowship and study God’s word, and for men to grow into godly leaders for their families. Building around the local church is at the heart of Mercy International’s ministry.



Pastoral donations will go toward ongoing financial support for Pastor Clifford Cornet of Merci de Dieu, Pastor Jean Wilfrid Innocent of Deye Mon and our In-Country Lead Pastor and Director of Operations Jean Etienne Charles. Church donations will support the financial needs of the congregation and the upkeep and needs of the church building itself.

Visit our Sponsorship Options page to select a $50 or $100 monthly Church sponsorship.

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