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2014: What A Year!

Updated: Oct 27, 2022

The year is coming to a close and we can’t help but ponder all the Lord has done over the past (almost) 365 days. Wow, 2014 has been a big year for Mercy International!


The first part of the year was filled with work on the largest project of Mercy International to date – The Merci’ de Dieu (“Thanks to God”) Village.  It is now complete, fully functioning, with over 400 men, women and children enjoying shelter, safety, running water, a flushing toilet, a village clinic, sponsorships, and ongoing discipleship. Indeed, the village is finished but the work goes on!

Many miracles happened during the village building process (such as the time God gave clean water and provided enough pressure to fill the tank, or the many times He guided the selection of families who would receive homes — like this time, or this time — , and provided ongoing funding for the free medical clinic). Certainly there were adventures along the way (including chickens, AK-47’s, and missing “caution tape”)!

God brought some very special individuals to partner with the work of Mercy International this year. It is so inspiring to work with team members who seek God’s blessing and direction every step of the way. Dr. John sets an example to team members by seeking to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s direction for each opportunity that presents itself. One of those circumstances was with a little boy named Markendy. There are many people in Haiti with desperate needs, but over and over again we see God’s hand in bringing certain ones into our path and we can’t help but stand in awe at God’s sovereignty and provision.

There are so many specific stories to share, but here are a few more highlights of 2014, in no particular order:

  • Five year old Presley’s heart to serve was an inspiration! 

  • We met the brother of the President of Haiti!

  • Our summer team personally interviewed just about all 450ish villagers, taking careful documentation and professional photos to help us serve the people better.

  • We had a blast doing Vacation Bible Schools like this one, and having discipleship times with the young adults.

  • It’s impossible to measure the impact of getting to take a young friend to her first trip to the beach or her first time to church or…best of all…to introduce her to Jesus Christ as Savior!

  • Through a dinner fundraiser and several house parties, God has allowed the work of Mercy to spread and grow.

  • Of course, we can’t forget the special ceremony to pass out deeds to the families in the village. Their faces were priceless – filled with joy!

  • We loved seeing the family of 14 get a new home!!

  • One of the many things accomplished in November was scouting a site for a NEW VILLAGE!


We’re just a little bit excited about the possibilities ahead in 2015!

“Remember the wondrous works that he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he uttered,” Psalm 105:5

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