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A Testimony Of God’s Grace

Updated: Oct 27, 2022


I was fortunate enough to be able to visit the Merci’ de Dieu Village with my husband Joey, my sister, brother in law, and step-mom this past week. It was an amazing week! It’s hard to narrow down all that God has done. I have had the opportunity for the past year to watch God work in this village. This trip marked my husband’s 4th trip and I counted it a blessing to be able to see his heart for the people in this village. They have changed our hearts forever and I am forever grateful for God’s love and grace.

By the second day in Haiti, I fell in love with the people in the village and wanted to stay longer. I developed relationships with so many of them as they opened their hearts to me. Every morning I was greeted with a big smile from everyone. They have so little, yet give so much of themselves to us daily. The VBS we prepared was so much fun. The children loved learning about Jesus and having a place where they could love openly and laugh freely. My heart felt complete joy sharing God’s love with the Village. I realized it wasn’t what we were doing, but what HE was doing…is doing. The entire trip my mind kept going back to Romans 3:23-24….a verse I’ve heard over and over throughout my life. This verse continues to be on my mind…

Romans 3:23-24 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

I know where I am called and I know what Christ has called me to do for the sake of His name. It was a joy to watch this team lead and be used beyond what they ever imagined. It’s amazing to sit on the outside and watch and see God work. We all question if we “did enough”, “lead enough”, or guided enough hearts to Him while we were there. We question whether the group of children who gave their hearts to Christ during the last day of VBS “really meant it”. We question if they “really understood?” We wonder if they “walked to the front of the church because they wanted to follow their friends, or Christ.” God rejoiced in heaven when all of His little ones walked effortlessly and innocently to the front of the church; maybe not understanding the fullness of what they were doing, but they walked forward. They opened their hearts to someone who they know is bigger than their hurts, their hunger, and their pain. God works through us and HE captures their hearts. He leads them to deeper knowledge of Himself and His love for them. We are simply called to share His love. I left the village with the knowledge that I learned more about God’s love and less about what I did for Him. What a blessing it is to be in the midst of seeing God work in the lives of this sweet village. I am forever changed and can not wait to go back!!!


Joey sharing with the village at church


VBS, Day 1


A very special family to me and Joey


Threads of Blessing team …pure joy


Tueslyne, the little girl my daughter raised money for to sponsor in school. She and her sister, Roodjinie, accepted Christ this day 🙂


Building bunkbeds


One of the many talented women in the village learning needlework during Threads of Blessing.


A dad reading the Jesus Storybook Bible to his family minutes after giving them out to the villagers. God is good!!!

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