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Fedelene’s Chance for Surgery

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

Haiti Fedaline w kenlley-1069

For the past year we have pursued surgeons, considered various ideas, and had evaluations and x-rays done for our friend Fedelene.

Many of you remember her – she’s the 13 year old who lives in the Merci’ de Dieu (“Thanks to God”) Village and who recently gave her life to Christ.

Fedelene has never walked. One doctor believes her condition is the result of a lack of nutrition and care as an infant.

She is a precious girl and we would LOVE to be able to get her proper medical care if it might give her the gift of walking on her own!

Today we were informed that a Haitian surgeon is willing to do the first (of several) surgeries. This initial surgery would be for her feet so she can put them flat on the ground.

The surgeon has agreed to drop his fee by $1500 making the total for this first surgery $3685. This covers the surgeon’s fee, operating room, x-rays, blood test and other expenses for a 5 day stay.

Would you please join us in praying for Fedelene and this potential surgery? Our hearts care so much for her and want the very best for her!

If you would like to help Fedelene get this surgery, you can donate through Mercy International noting, “Fedelene’s First Surgery.”

Thank you!

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