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Monday, At 4:30

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

My last posting prior to our departure for Haiti was requesting prayer for a Young Women’s Bible Study to be established in the village.  God has already chosen the woman He wanted to lead the study. Her name is Esther and ‘for such a time as this she has been chosen’.

Her love for God and her passion for teaching others is her top priority.

The two of us met to discuss what God had put on each of our hearts and we agreed on certain passages to teach on. I asked her to be the Leader as she would be able to lead the study on a weekly basis instead of just holding studies when we were in the village.

We were not sure how many would actually show up but sent the message around the village that Monday at 5pm would be the scheduled time and the young men would also be meeting at that time at another location.

A few young ladies started showing up and by the time we decided to start the teaching there were 45-50 attending!

From my BSF studies I told them it would help to arrange the church benches in a square so we could all see one another and it would help facilitate better participation.  They thought that was a bit strange at first but once we did so they saw the results.

I thank God for all of you who lifted us up in prayer and how the enemy was defeated.

Please set a reminder to pray each Monday at 4:30 that the Holy Spirit will prompt each young lady to be at the study.  They desperately need to know the hope that only God can offer that will sustain them in the midst of their many hardships.

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The Threads of Blessing events were incredible!  We have been blessed with smart, innovative leaders that understand what we are hoping to accomplish in the village.  The giving out of their money for the pieces sold is always a joy.  Some ladies received amounts that amount to 1/5th of the annual income for Haitians in urban areas.

We held our First Threads of Blessing Art Show and set up the chapel as an art gallery.  The ladies critiqued one another’s pieces and shared new techniques.  The Team from the states as well as other villagers all came to view the needlework.  We even discovered a husband of one of our embroiderers sewing his own piece.

We brought back about 50 pieces and once we have catalogued them I will post more pictures on our FB page – Threads of Blessing – Haiti.

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