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Remember Nanny Madeline?

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

Last week I posted about Nanny Madeline, one of the ladies who cooks for our visiting teams at the Merci’ de Dieu Village. She and her husband have taken in two aged-out orphan young ladies, Milange and Midrene. (Correction: They have actually taken in *three* young ladies! The third one is Lalan.) Both of these ladies used to live at a local orphanage, but have aged-out of the system and needed of a home. That’s when Nanny Madeline agreed to take them in. Her family grew from 3 to 6 in a matter of hours. 

Nanny Madeline needs help to feed and care for Milange and Midrene. We are still in need of $275 per month. If the Lord lays on your heart to help, even in some small way, or even through a one-time donation. In a way, she’s doing the caring and we can help with the funding. It’s a team effort and she needs our help.

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This post isn’t about Madeline’s son, Christly, – but I just have to take a moment to share about him while we’re on the subject of his family!

Christly is a particularly lovable little boy. He’s quite the favorite! When asked what his favorite foods were, Christly told us he likes the typical Haitian dish of rice and bean . . . and cookies. (What child doesn’t like cookies?)

He has other likes and dislikes. For example, he explained that he doesn’t like animals, but he likes bugs. He likes to sing Christian songs and especially likes to play and look at books. 

Christly now has two big “sisters” living in the house with him and is sure to receive a lot of good care and attention. 🙂

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